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Dr. Anjaneyulu



Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu is accredited Ear Nose And Throat Specialist. I completed MBBS from Osmania University, India-1989 and M.S. in otorhinolaryngology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India-1999. I worked as aAsst. Prof. AIIMS, New Delhi, EX. consultant at NIMS, Hyderabad, and Ex. HON. Consultant, LVP Eye Institute, Hyderabad. I am grateful to all my teachers and colleagues. I worked with them during my tenure at AIIMS, New Delhi. This gave me broad clinical experience and sound basis for further professional development

I specialize in micro ear surgery, phono surgery, nasal endoscopic sinus surgery & airway surgery for laryngeal and tracheal problems along with skull base and head & neck surgery. I am doing Trans nasal procedures for orbital problems, dacryocyst rhinitis, optic nerve decompression etc.