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Contact : 8978976644

Job Title: Pharmacist

 Job description

  1. Must have Knowledge of managing Hospital departments like ICUs, OPDs, IPDs and Pharmacy units
  2. Will have to interface between Hospital Pharmacy and other Hospital units and Interact with Doctors, Consultants, Nursing in charges Regularly
  3. Build and maintain relationship with Hospital Consultants and patients
  4. Manage Patient grievances related to Pharmacy
  5. Must have knowledge of using Pharmacy Software
  6. Must know all Pharmacy protocols , SOPs and NABH Guidelines
  7. Must have people skills to deal with Pharmacy staff, prepare Pharmacist ROTA, address their grievances, etc
  8. Must be excellent in preparing daily, weekly, monthly MIS & Reporting
  9. Must have excellent communication skills
  10. Candidate will be responsible for overall smooth Pharmacy Operations

Qualification : B.Pharmacy & M.Pharmacy

Experience : 2-5 years

Salary : Terms & Conditions Negotiable, Best in the industry

Education: B.Pharmacy & M.Pharmacy Certificates