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surendranath darwal

This review is being written by me on the day before the day of discharge of my mother Smt. Sevanthi Bai Darwai who got operated in Vivekananda Hospital for knee joint replacement on 26th July 2021. The surgery was performed under the able guidance and supervision of Dr. Y. Krishna, Orthopedic Surgeon. As my mother was an octogenarian, the hospital took every care to ensure that she was fit enough to undergo surgery at an advanced age. They conducted all necessary tests and thorough pre-anaesthetic assessment before proceeding for operation. The surgery was a success, thanks specially to post operative care and excellent nursing services offered by the hospital. The surgeons, duty doctors and anesthetists all played their role well and promptly responded to the medical and after care needs of the patient. I am extremely grateful to one Dr. Bhagyasree Madam, Gynecology Department who patiently dealt with my concerns with regard to post operative care. The OP & IP staff, the nursing and housekeeping staff and security personnel all responded extremely well. I have never seen this sort of active and positive response in any other hospital I happened to visit in my 50 years of my adolescent and adult life. The ambience of the hospital is serene and peaceful in the sense that it gives a sense of homely feeling, as it is not a crowded place unlike other multi specialty hospitals. During Covid times, this is the best hospital to visit, and please be rest assured that you will like to visit this place again and again if God forbid, you ever fall sick again. I had certs felt the pinch in my pocket, as I have no health insurance policy for my mother, but still the fees paid is nothing in comparison to the quality of treatment you get in the hospital. Finally, I am all praises and hold in high esteem Dr. Ms. Geeta Valluripalli, Managing Director of the hospital, who visited the hospital on all days I have been staying in the hospital – I observed that she ensures that all her staff are responsive to the visiting patients’ and attendants’ needs and queries, and her staff having a sort of allegiance to her authority, keep giving their genuine best to the patient’s well being at all times and in all fields. Vivekananda Hospital is indeed a hospital with a human touch. I sincerely wish this hospital to further prosper to be able to serve more number of patients with a human touch, that Swami Vivekananda and his master cherished and lived for. The reviewer is Surendra Nath Darwai, working as Senior Audit Officer, at Accountant General Office, Telangana, Hyderabad.
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